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Chick-A-Dee Townhouse Planter

Chick-A-Dee Townhouse Planter

Regular price $84.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $84.99 CAD
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Introducing my handmade, wooden, birdhouse-planter combo. It's a planter surrounded by two bird houses, practically a bird-townhouse. They are designed specifically for chick-a-dees with a 1-1/8" diameter entrance. When designing the birdhouses, I encountered a problem. Should I or should I not add a perch? Further research revealed that bigger birds land on the perches of smaller bird's nests and steal their eggs, so no perch for these homes! Also, there's diagonal lines chiseled in the shape of a ladder inside each from the bottom to the hole for the baby birds to climb up and out when they're ready. My birdhouses come with a 16.2" L x 3" W x 3.5" H clear rectangular plastic liner for your favorite seasonal plants or flowers. These houses are made from cedar locally sourced from a business who makes cedar posts for farm fencing. they cut the outside edges of the raw trunks. These off cuts were stacked dried in the sun for almost 1 year. I hand make these beautiful, fun bird houses in my backyard shop.

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